This will update, and now you can also see your project website with a default index. While its not possible to host fully-fledged Shiny apps on Github pages (Indeed, as Gregor suggested, shinyapps.io is useful for this), the devs for Shiny have been working to make some of the functionality run completely on the client-side via htmlwidgets.

Then Push (up green arrow) to push the locally committed changes on your lapto up to the Github repository online.
Notice how the code plot(pressure) is not shown in the HTML output because of the R code chunk option echo=FALSE.īefore we continue exploring Rmarkdown, visit the Git pane, check all modified (M) or untracked (?) files, click Commit, enter a message like “added index” and click the “Commit” button. These are evaluated and return the output text in the case of summary(cars) and the output plot in the case of plot(pressure). Notice how the markdown is rendered similar to as before + R code chunks are surrounded by 3 backticks and. The R Markdown Websites article on the R Markdown website is a good resource to build GitHub Pages websites that host collections of R Markdown documents. Some initial text is already provided for you. Quarto adds extensions for cross-references, figure panels, callouts, advanced page. After you click OK, most importantly File -> Save as index (which will get named with the filename extension index.Rmd). Pandoc markdown has excellent support for LaTeX equations and citations.